§ 224-7. Interfering with barriers, guardrails, danger signals.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Barriers, rails, etc. No person shall remove, displace or in any manner interfere with any barrier, guardrail, sign or other object which shall have been placed along or across any public street in the Village for the purpose of preventing any person, animal or vehicle from entering upon any street in which a roadway is about to be, is being or which has been recently constructed or repaired.
    Warning devices. No person or persons shall remove, displace or in any manner interfere with any lantern, sign or other form of warning which shall be used to warn approaching travelers at any place that a highway, street or sidewalk is about to be, is being or has been constructed or repaired.
    Entry into protected area. No person or persons shall walk upon, enter upon or drive any horse, automobile, motorcycle, motor vehicle, bicycle or any other animal or vehicle upon any roadway or sidewalk which is about to be repaired or constructed, is being constructed or repaired and which is guarded by any barrier, sign or signal for the purpose of preventing or warning persons from entering in or upon the same.