§ 224-4. Obstructions on sidewalks.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall place or deposit or allow, permit, aid or abet the placing or depositing of any ashes, paper or rubbish of any kind therein, nor have, place, lead, ride, drive, draw or back any automobile, horse or other animal or any automobile, wagon, cart or other vehicle on any sidewalk of the Village, nor consent thereto, except for the purpose of ingress or egress to and from the premises adjoining such sidewalk, nor place upon or allow, permit, aid or abet the placing upon the sidewalk of any boxes, goods, wares or merchandise, except for the purpose of loading and unloading the same, which must be done without unreasonable delay.
Amended 10-6-1997 by L.L. No. 9-1997