§ 224-3. Maintenance and repair of sidewalks and curbs.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Every owner, person or entity entitled to possession, control, and/or in charge of any house, building and/or vacant lot in the Village:
    [Amended 9-10-2001 by L.L. No. 5-2001; 7-11-2005 by L.L. No. 10-2005]
    May be required by the Building Department to construct and install sidewalks and/or curbs in front of such house, building or lot where none exist; and
    Shall keep and maintain such sidewalks and curbs and the sidewalks and curbs as now exist in front of such house, building or lot free from obstruction by snow or ice; and
    Shall at all times keep such sidewalks and curbs in good and safe repair; and
    Shall clean and keep such sidewalks, curbs and no less than eighteen inches from such sidewalks and/or curbs into the abutting street, highway or thoroughfare free from dirt, filth, trash, garbage, debris or other obstruction or encumbrance; and
    Such owner and/or occupant, person or entity shall cause the sidewalks in front of such house, building or lot to be cleared of snow within a reasonable time after a snowfall shall have ceased.
    In the event that an owner or occupant or person having charge of any lot or building shall fail to maintain the sidewalks in front or such house, building or lot in good and safe repair and correct said conditions within 30 days after notice by mail to said person from the Clerk-Treasurer of the Village or from the Superintendent of the Building Department, then the Board of Trustees may order such repairs made as are set forth in the notice and subsequently assess the cost upon the lands benefited thereby.
    [Amended 3-1-1982 by L.L. No. 3-1982]
    The owner or occupant or person in charge of any such house, vacant lot or building in the Village of Cedarhurst and each of them shall be liable for any injury and/or damage sustained by reason of negligence attributable to the failure, omission and/or refusal to make, maintain and repair such sidewalks and curbs or to remove snow, ice or other obstructions therefrom, or for a violation or noncompliance with the local laws relating to the making, maintaining and repairing of sidewalks and curbs and the removal of snow, ice and other obstructions from sidewalks and curbs.
    [Added 8-6-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001]
    Editor's Note: This local law also renumbered former Subsection C, regarding violations, as Subsection D.
    Any person violating any provision of this section shall be liable to a civil penalty not exceeding $500 for each and every day the violations exist, and in addition thereto, any person violating any provision of this section shall be liable to a penalty set in accordance with Chapter 1, Article III, General Penalty.
    [Amended 10-6-1997 by L.L. No. 9-1997; 8-6-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001]
Amended 1-5-1976 by L.L. No. 1-1976