§ 208-24. Applications.  

Latest version.
  • Applications for permits under these regulations shall be made on printed forms to be furnished by the Department of Public Works. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgement of the Commissioner and as required for pretreatment facilities as provided for in Article V. There shall be two classes of permits to be known as "special" and "general". General permits shall be sufficient to authorize the connection or attachment, as well as the discharge of sewage from private dwellings into the Village sewer system; all other connections, attachments, discharges or uses require special permits. Applications for general permits shall be signed by the fee owner of the premises as shown by the last preceding tax roll or his or her attorney-in-fact specifically authorized by such fee owner to make such application. Applications for special permits may be made in the same manner or by a lessee of the premises. In each instance where a special permit is required, it shall be unlawful to contribute any sewage directly or indirectly into the Village sewer system without such permit, and the fact that the contibutor has obtained a general permit from the Village or a permit from any other municipality having jurisdiction over the immediate connection through which the discharge is made shall be no defense in a prosecution for violation of these regulations.