§ 208-10.1. Automatic grease recovery; food preparers.  

Latest version.
  • All food preparation establishments and facilities, including but not limited to restaurants, delicatessens, fast-food and take-out establishments and institutional kitchens, shall install on their premises and use automatic grease recovery systems of a description, type and size as approved by the Building Department, in accordance with the following:
    All such new establishments, new operators of existing food preparation establishments and those existing establishments located within the Village that move to a new location within the Village shall be in compliance with this section no later than the commencement of operation.
    All such establishments in existence and operation prior to the enactment of this section, which undergo renovations or which make repairs and/or install replacements affecting existing grease recovery devices, plumbing lines and/or plumbing fixtures, shall be in compliance with this section no later than the date of completion of said renovations, repairs and/or installation of replacements, or two years from the date of the enactment hereof, whichever is earlier.
    All such establishments in existence and operation prior to the enactment of this section shall be in compliance therewith no later than two years after the enactment date hereof.
Added 6-12-2000 by L.L. No. 4-2000