§ 170-6. Conditions for permit; fees.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Permits shall be issued for the installation of a newsrack or newsracks without prior inspection of the location(s) selected, but such newsrack or newsracks and the installation, use or maintenance thereof shall be conditioned upon observance of the provisions of this chapter. Permits shall be issued within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays) after the application has been filed, exclusive of the date of the filing thereof. A permit fee of $100 for each application and $25 for each newsrack shall be required.
    Such permit shall be valid for two years and shall be renewable pursuant to the procedures for original applications herein, upon payment of the permit and newsrack fees and, where applicable, replenishment of deposit charges.
    Permit and newsrack numbers shall be issued with the permit, and every person who maintains a newsrack on the streets of the Village of Cedarhurst shall have his, her or their permit and newsrack number, name, address and telephone number affixed, on a weather-resistant tag or device, to each newsrack, where such information may be easily seen at all times. Proof of compliance with this section must be submitted to the Superintendent of the Building Department before final approval will be given.
    The use of any newsrack shall be prohibited until compliance with this chapter has been verified by the Superintendent of the Building Department and the permit issued for the installation thereof has been stamped "Final Approval." Such verification and approval shall be completed within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays) of the Building Superintendent's receipt of written notice that a newsrack has been installed.
    Upon making application for a permit, applicants shall pay a deposit charge of $100 for each newsrack, to be measured by and applied to and cover the Village's cost of removal, impound, storage and disposition in the event of abandonment thereof or uncorrected violations of this chapter. Such sum(s) shall be deposited in a special interest-bearing trust account maintained by the Incorporated Village of Cedarhurst for that purpose and administered by the Village Clerk, and all or any part of said sum not applied to the uses set forth in this section shall be refunded, with accrued interest, to the applicant or the applicant's assigns, transferees or successors in interest upon termination of the use of the applicant's newsrack or newsracks. In no event shall the Village's cost of removal, impound, storage and disposition, nor the applicant's liability therefor, be limited to the amount of said deposits.