§ 119-9. Inspection and reinspection of electrical installations.  

Latest version.
  • The chief inspector and each of the duly appointed inspectors of the Alliance Electrical Inspections Limited, Electrical Inspectors, Inc., Electrical Inspection Service, Inc., Long Island Electrical Inspectors, Inc., Long Island Electrical Inspections, Ltd. and/or Certified Electrical Inspections, Inc., are hereby authorized and empowered to make inspections and reinspection of all electrical installations heretofore and hereafter made or described and to approve or disapprove the same within the Village of Cedarhurst. Said Alliance Electrical Inspections Limited, Electrical Inspectors, Inc., Electrical Inspection Service, Inc., Long Island Electrical Inspectors, Inc., NYS Electrical Inspections, Inc., Suffolk Bureau of Electrical Inspectors, Inc. and/or Certified Electrical Inspections, Inc., shall be independent contractors and shall not be deemed agents of the Village of Cedarhurst, and they shall provide liability insurance policies on which the Village of Cedarhurst shall be designated as an additional insured as its interest may appear. Said Alliance Electrical Inspections Limited, Electrical Inspectors, Inc., Electrical Inspection Service, Inc., Long Island Electrical Inspectors, Inc., NYS Electrical Inspections, Inc., Suffolk Bureau of Electrical Inspectors, Inc. and/or Certified Electrical Inspections, Inc., shall hold the Village of Cedarhurst free and harmless from any and all claims for injuries, property damage or otherwise arising out of any such inspection, reinspection or failure to conduct the same. In no event shall any cost or expense of any such inspections and reinspection be a charge against the Village of Cedarhurst. The aforementioned liability insurance policies shall be written by insurance companies acceptable to and/or approved by the Village of Cedarhurst and shall be in coverage limits of not less than $5,000,000 in the aggregate, including primary and excess insurance coverage, if any.
Amended 7-20-1995 by L.L. No. 4-1995; 2-3-2003 by L.L. No. 2-2003; 10-1-2007 by L.L. No. 15-2007; 2-7-2011 by L.L. No. 1-2011; 9-10-2012 by L.L. No. 2-2013; 11-5-2012 by L.L. No. 3-2013