Chapter 102. Buildings, Unsafe  

§ 102-1. Unsafe buildings prohibited.
§ 102-2. Examination.
§ 102-3. Notice of defects.
§ 102-4. Buildings liable to failure or collapse.
§ 102-5. Action to compel compliance with notice.
§ 102-6. Authority of Building Official in emergencies.
§ 102-7. Payment of costs incurred.
§ 102-8. Penalties for offenses.
§ 102-9. Other remedies.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cedarhurst 3-2-1964 as Ch. 6, Art. IV, Div. 3, of the 1964 Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.


Building construction — See Ch. 95.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 138.
Housing standards — See Ch. 155.